Monday, January 09, 2017

Mango trees prepared for flower induction

After about five years of little or zero mango harvest because of the new pest "kurikong manga" (cecid fly), we hope to have some harvest this year. A sprayer has come along, they will get 70% of the harvest, the farm owner/s will get 30%. Fair sharing because it is very labor-intensive and costly to spray mangos.

They started spraying for flower induction in some areas that have been cleared, about two weeks ago. Another batch of mango trees to be sprayed this week perhaps as more trees are cleared of tall and thick cogons, other grasses and vines.

I took these photos of the farm last Saturday.

About four men worked here, using the mechanical grass cutter and manual cutting with "tabas".

They burn the grasses around 6am when it is not hot nor windy, the fire can easily be controlled. Late morning, more windy and the fire may spread beyond control.

No mango flowers yet, the flowers come out some three weeks after spraying the flower induction.

Here's one mango tree surrounded by wild trees, tall grasses and vines. These must be cut and removed before spraying can be done.

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