Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Trees in the Farm, Part 4

An update from a blog post I made last August 21, 2013. Photos below I took last Sunday, June 21, 2015. Here, on the left side of my treehouse. Avocado, mango, mahogany, other trees.

Mostly mahogany trees, and mostly growing  and  regenerating on their own. 

They need clearing, removal of other trees that are too close to each other, usually within one foot apart. Ideal for good growth is about two meters or around seven feet apart.

I originally posted these last August 21, 2013:

We started planting mahogany, acacia auri, eucalyptus and other trees in the farm in 1992. Only about 300 seedlings or less. Then we started producing our own seedlings in 1993 or 94 and planted more in the mid 90s.  By early to mid-200s, we stopped planting as the trees we planted earlier were already producing their own seeds and seedlings. This tall acacia auri is different because it has a straight trunk. It has no choice as it was surrounded by other big trees, mahogany and various native species. Plus tall bamboos, just beside a creek.
Mahongany trees near my treehouse.

Many of these young trees simply grew and regenerated on their own.

Mahogany trees near an irrigation canal.

View of the trees near the creek from a hill within the farm.

One of about five surviving agoho or pine trees, on a rocky area beside the creek.

It is refreshing to see the trees that we planted one or two decades ago are now mature.

See also: 
Trees in the Farm, part 2, September 06, 2012
Trees in the Farm, Part 3, February 11, 2013

Natural Regeneration of Trees, February 21, 2013
Around My Treehouse, May 02, 2013 
Tree Planting vs. Tree Growing, June 08, 2014 
Wasteful DENR Reforestations, October 22, 2014 
Denuded Uplands, Western Pangasinan, February 17, 2015