Friday, April 18, 2014

On Grass Fire

Last March 27, 2014 or three weeks ago, there was a big grassfire that started from either the public forest land or our neighboring farm, Mt. Zion, and spread to our farm including the mango area. First two photos I took last March 28.

This photo I took yesterday. On the left was part of the burned area, the right side was spared. One of the guys that make charcoal in the farm, Anoling, was there to help put out the fire that day.

Grass fires occur almost yearly in many parts of the country. Forest land that were converted into agricultural or pasture land, the grass mature during the hot and dry months of March to May, can easily get burned. And grow again days after a fire. This photo is from the web.

Grass fire is the number one or number two tree killer. The other major tree killer is people. Trees generally grow on their own, aka natural regeneration of trees, until some vines choke them, or people cut them, or a grassfire would engulf them. But many local tree species would survive a grassfire, and would have new leaves weeks after a fire.

See also:
From Forestland to Grassland, September 21, 2012  
Natural Regeneration of Trees, February 21, 2013 
Trees in the Farm, Part 4, August 21, 2013

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